How To Remove Powered By Easyblog For Joomla!

Easyblog Joomla Remove Powered By linkFor Easyblog Version  5.0.32 and Joomla 3.5.x

  • Go to:  \components\com_easyblog\themes\wireframe\structure\default.php
  • Remove the line: <?php echo EBLOG_POWERED_BY_LINK; ?>

For earlier versions of easyblog

  • Go to: /public_html/components/com_easyblog/constants.php
  • Go to: /public_html/components/com_easyblog/controller.php
  • Search for: Powered By Link, or just: Powered
  • Comment out the php line that starts like this: define (‘EBLOG_POWERED_BY_LINK’
  • Just add // infront of the define text with a space

You will need to comment out the powered by line in both files. Good luck!

Let me know if you have any further questions on how to remove the Joomla Easyblog Powered By link by commenting below. 

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